Illustration of people under a roof 9,101 People Served in Shelters
Illustration of a house and some trees 5,477 People Placed into Housing
Illustration of people in a circle with a pencil and paper between them 15,074 People Enrolled in Housing Programs

Data from Fiscal Year 2024

Icon of a house

Experiencing or at risk of homelessness?

Icon of a briefcase

Learn About Our Work

Icon of a hand and a heart above it

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Data Dashboard

Tracking Progress

View the key metrics we use to track progress, identify service gaps and improve outcomes.

New Housing Placements

This new housing placements chart shows the number of people who moved from homelessness into permanent housing.

New Housing Placements: Demographics

This chart shows the number of people who moved from homelessness into permanent housing, broken down by demographics.

Shelter Capacity

This chart shows the number of available shelter beds at JOHS-supported short-term shelters.

  • The chart shows housing placements by quarter of each Fiscal Year

  • Average shelter capacity (only includes shelters in Multnomah County that receive funding from the Joint Office of Homeless Services)

Updates, Events and More

Joint Office News

Adele Atwood

Street outreach

Street outreach workers provide services, support and stability

As a street outreach worker for Cascadia Health, Adele meets people where they are in the community and helps them find stability.

A row of tiny home shelter pods

Quarterly Outcomes

JOHS houses more than 1,000 people in first quarter of FY 25

First quarter data also shows efficient deployment of Supportive Housing Services dollars

SHS Annual Report

Thousands sheltered and housed in Multnomah County thanks to the Supportive Housing Services Measure

Thousands were housed and sheltered in Multnomah County last fiscal year thanks to the Supportive Housing Services Measure.

A woman smiles as she stands in her kitchen.

Monique's story

'Life is good today'

Monique finds stability in permanent supportive housing.

We Can Prevent & End Homelessness

Making Homelessness a Rare & Brief Experience

The Joint Office works to address the homelessness crisis in Multnomah County. We work with community-based organizations and government agencies to provide coordinated, participant-driven and equity-based services for those experiencing at risk of homelessness.

We recognize the co-occurring crises that people living unhoused face, including living with medical conditions and disabilities, behavioral health issues and substance use disorders. That is why we engage each person experiencing homelessness using a multi-faceted and holistic approach.

About The Joint Office of Homeless Services (JOHS)

Who We Are & What We Do

Formed in 2016, our office coordinates local, state and federal funding to address the homelessness crisis in Portland and Multnomah County. We oversee the delivery of participant-driven, equity-based services to people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless.

How We Work

Working With Community-Based Organizations

We work in partnership with community-based organizations to ensure that they have the support they need to serve our most vulnerable neighbors.