July 25, 2024
JOHS offers upcoming trainings focused on sexual and domestic violence
The JOHS DSV Team is offering regular and ongoing training for housing providers in the Adult, Family and Youth Systems of Care to deepen skills for recognizing and responding to domestic and sexual violence.
Domestic and sexual violence is a primary cause of homelessness for women and children, and often creates significant barriers to obtaining and retaining housing. These workshops are designed for non-DSV housing and shelter providers to build skills for working with survivors who are accessing housing services.
Through the DV 101-103 series, attendees will learn about the dynamic of abuse, basic interventions for addressing abuse including safety planning, systems navigation and provide an in-depth understanding of compliance requirements for programs receiving funding through HUD’s Continuum of Care programs. Additional dates and topic will be added at a later date.
For more information or to request additional training or topics, please contact Jaidra Hennessey – DSV Technical Assistance Program Specialist, jaidra.hennessey@multco.us or johs-dv-training@multco.us wit