Joint Office of Homeless Services
Provider Conferences
Provider conferences provide an opportunity for networking, sharing information and resources, and learning opportunities for JOHS-funded service providers.
Fall 2024 Provider Conference
The most recent Provider Conference was held on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at Portland State University!
Please go to the Fall 2024 Conference Page for more details!
Contact Info
For more information, please contact Bill Boyd at or 971-284-0359
Past Conferences Archive
Find our previous Provider Conferences and the topics covered in each.
For All Conference Sessions
Meeting Guidelines
Take care of yourself
Make best efforts to be engaged and to support one another
Be aware of your own space and positionality
Practice cultural humility. Respect the validity of other’s perspectives, experiences and cultures – suspend judgment
Share the air and give everyone a chance to speak
Be authentic and speak your truth
Respect and listen to others, honor other’s perspectives and story
Respect confidentiality and don’t share stories without their permission
Give feedback and be open to feedback
Differentiate between opinion and informed knowledge
Differentiate between safety and comfort
Interrupt oppression
Expect and accept discomfort and ambiguity
Be open to trying something different
Be open to hearing something different
Be curious and ask questions
Be patient
Expect non-closure – we won’t solve all issues and concerns today
For Virtual Conferences Only
Making the Best of a Virtual Conference
We hope for active participation in the conference sessions, even with the limitations of the virtual environment. While we know everyone is very familiar with virtual meetings, we offer the following tips and suggestions for improving the conference experience for all.
1. Try to Use a Computer to Join the Conference
While you can join the Zoom conference sessions with a smartphone or a telephone, you will have a better experience using a computer.
Please contact the session moderator or Bill Boyd (, if you need to connect to your meeting through your telephone without any video, so we can provide you with the correct dial-in number and meeting ID.
2. When Entering a Session
Please use the chat to say hello and introduce yourself!
Share only what you feel comfortable (name, role, organization, pronouns, access needs).
We encourage participants to add their pronouns and agency to their participant name.
Join the Zoom meeting
On the Zoom in-meeting controls, click Participants .
Hover your mouse over your name, then click More.
Click Rename.
A pop-up box will appear.
In the pop-up box, enter your display name.
Click Change.
Please keep your camera on as you are able
3. When Speaking in a Zoom Meeting
Try to minimize background noise as you are able.
Only unmute when you wish to speak.
Use the Raise Hand feature to let the moderator know you wish to speak (found under the Reactions tab) at the bottom of the screen.
Please lower your hand after you have finished speaking.
Please say your name before speaking; it helps other participants know who is talking.
4. Please follow the meeting guidelines listed below to promote the best collaborative session environment
For Virtual Conferences Only