Severe weather shelters are currently open in Multnomah County through at least 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 15. Check out Care for When its Cold for details.

HMIS Links for Providers

What is HMIS? HMIS (Homeless Management Information System) is an electronic database used to hold information on the characteristics and service needs of persons experiencing poverty and homelessness in Multnomah County. Various funders require projects to record data in the HMIS database in order to stay competitive for funding, and Multnomah County uses this data in local and state planning processes.

Please send inquiries to:


Privacy Poster

The Privacy Poster must be posted at all agency intake sites or shared with participants via another feasible way.

This document summarizes:

  1. How agencies enter participant data into HMIS and;
  2. Participants’ rights about their data.

Release of Information (ROI) Resources for HMIS Data Sharing

All programs must use one of the ROI forms linked below. Agencies use ROI forms to secure client consent or non-consent for HMIS data sharing.

Visit these landing pages: