Severe weather shelters are currently open in Multnomah County through at least 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 15. Check out Care for When its Cold for details.

JOHS Advisory bodies - 2023 Summary of Work

The work of each of these committees and advisory bodies has been instrumental in moving the work of the Joint Office forward this year.


Lived Experience Advisory Committee – made up of representatives with lived experience of homelessness

  • Engaged on our shelter strategy work, got their feedback on what they would want or need in shelter improvements. Work isn’t finished but anticipate direct reflection in asks around more culturally specific shelter, better staffing ratios, and better and more accountable equity plans.
  • Thank committee for feedback to Garter Consulting on the importance of people having access to their own data
  • This committee has committed to two meetings per month to develop committee relationships and identity for better experience and recommendations
  • Acknowledge the letter that reflects the committee’s strong desire for meaningful engagement on issues 


Equity Advisory Committee – this committee is made up mostly of BIPOC individuals who review Joint Office practices and make recommendations using an equity lens and approach

  • In only four meetings, the Committee has:
    • Elected co-chairs
    • Created specific group agreements which expand on existing agreements with particular focus on racially equitable processes that don’t burden or add labor to those experiencing racialized harm; 
    • Identified three priority areas: Permanent Supportive Housing (eviction prevention and coordinated access), behavioral and mental health supports, and culturally specific service expansion; 
  • The Equity Committee has also engaged with the NOFA – Notice of Funding Availability – process for Permanent Supportive Housing and are working on recommendations for the eviction prevention program and the revamping of the Coordinated Access tool.
  • Early recommendations from this committee have included increasing the number of mental health workers, prioritizing BIPOC recruitment and focused representation in the black and African American community, including support for life skills beyond housing stabilization
    • There is a group interest in collaborating on a possible job fair and workforce recruitment for JOHS funded work, with a focus on BIPOC folks.


Continuum of Care (CoC) Board – provides feedback and support for Multnomah County to ensure alignment with Continuum of Care guidelines

  • Recently celebrated one year anniversary as a Board in this new advisory structure, a year which involved a lot of learning and growth 
  • This year, the Board successfully reviewed and ranked 41 different project applications and applied for over $31 million in funding to support permanent housing, coordinated entry, and HMIS. 
  • The Board supported applications for the County to successfully receive new  Family Unification and Stability housing vouchers
  • Created an action plan and set priorities to best support the County’s CoC programs 


SHS Advisory Committee – helps guide the implementation of the 2020 Metro voter-passed Supportive Housing Services measure

  • We are grateful for the continued engagement of this group to help shape SHS priorities that best serve our community. 
  • The SHS Advisory Committee has played a key role in providing the Joint Office with regular community engagement and perspective as SHS funds are implemented. 
  • In early September, the SHS Advisory Committee shared its first set of official recommendations with Joint Office Executive Leadership related to how to prioritize Unanticipated and Carryover of SHS funds. These recommendations provide community perspective into allocation decisions being made and allow the Joint Office to mindfully allocate towards the prioritized areas of community need.
  • We also want to recognize the work being done in the two SHS Advisory Committee workgroups providing recommendations around Capacity Building and Equity. We appreciate folks taking hours out of their evenings to meet with us and build towards strong recommendations in these key areas. 

Our work is greatly enhanced and improved through the engagement of our committee members. They are a pivotal part in what makes JOHS such a powerful vehicle for change and we thank you for being along this journey with us.