Severe weather shelters are currently open in Multnomah County through at least 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 15. Check out Care for When its Cold for details.

Notice of Funding Availability - FAQs

Permanent Supportive Housing

The following are questions that we have received from providers interested in applying for this Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). If you have further questions that are not answered here, please feel free to email

Image Description: Drone shot of the Cedar Commons Apartments.

I looked at Appendix A and didn't see my organization name on the list of qualified vendors. What do I do now?

Appendix A only lists organizations that are specifically qualified to provide services in three service categories included in previous procurements: Supportive Housing, Connections to Stable Housing, and Wrap-around Supports. Organizations that only qualified for other service categories are not listed. Non-Qualified organizations may partner with Qualified organizations to apply for collaborative projects.

Please email sends e-mail) and our team can look into your specific case.

Does funding need to be spent by a certain date - ie. by the end of the fiscal year?

Funding is available on-going, on the County fiscal year annual contracting schedule. Selected proposals will have access to funding in Fiscal Year 2022-2023, though are not expected to need the full annualized program budget this Fiscal Year since projects will be launching in early 2023.

Are households with children eligible for services?

This funding is limited to projects focused on serving adult-only households.

If someone regained custody of children while in the program, would they still be eligible?

A household that otherwise remains eligible will not lose services if children become part of the household after program entry. A transfer through the Coordinated Access system to Family System PSH may be necessary.

Will Regional Long-Term Rent Assistance (RLRA) cover 100% rent market rate units in mixed housing projects?

Tenant-based RLRA-assisted apartments must be “rent reasonable” as defined by HUD standards. Requested rents must not be greater than rents for comparable units in the market. Rent at initial lease up shall not exceed 120% Fair Market Rent. A base rent worksheet will be used to assist applicants and landlords to easily understand the maximum contract rent allowed. Rents for tenant-based RLRA cannot exceed the rent-restricted rents when used in units with regulated rents.

Initial project-based RLRA contract rents will align with current rents for existing rent restricted units (i.e. LIHTC units). Initial Project-based RLRA contract rents for non-rent restricted units will be between 60% and 80% of AMI. Rents at <60% or >80% AMI rents may be available for a small number of projects if doing so will create unique housing opportunities not otherwise available through RLRA projects. Project-based RLRA rents will receive annual 3% increases.

For recovery housing models, will there be additional narrative needed in the NOFA response to describe the services approach?

Yes. Please include a clear description of how the proposal’s recovery model aligns with low-barrier and housing first models. The application narrative must demonstrate effectiveness at serving adults in recovery, including how the project supports tenants through relapse. Projects need to be available to tenants who are engaged in Medication Assisted Treatment. This cannot be a cause for denial or eviction from the program.

What is the maximum dollar amount or number of units for which we can apply?

There is no set maximum dollar amount or number of units for which you can apply, as long as the proposal stays within the funding parameters outlined in the NOFA (up to $10K/household for services). The JOHS has up to $5.8 million Metro SHS dollars to allocate and Applicants can apply for up to that amount.

The JOHS intends to fund multiple new or expansion PSH projects to create up to 135 project-based PSH placements and 120 tenant-based PSH placements. Additionally, this NOFA includes funding earmarked to create a minimum of 30 PSH apartments focused on serving LGBTQIA2S+ adult households that can be project-based and/or tenant-based.

Can we include a "minimum" and "maximum" request?

Yes. – NOFA Page 11 “Provide the preferred amount of SHS funds requested, and minimum and maximum amount of SHS funds acceptable, along with the number of households that will be served at each funding level. For example, a project may prefer to serve 30 households, but be willing to scale down to serve 15 or scale up to serve 45 depending on the amount of funds available. Projects may apply for up to $10,000 per household served. The requested funding amount is for PSH services (staffing and client assistance) and should not include rent assistance.

Is there a timeframe that programs would be expected to lease up RLRA vouchers?

Tenant-based PSH projects should be prepared to begin the contracting process in December 2022, and begin implementing programming in early 2023. Project-based PSH apartments must be available to begin receiving referrals (either as existing apartments turnover or when a building opens) by or before June 30, 2023.

Additional contractual outcome goals (including timeline for fully leasing-up RLRA) will be negotiated through the contracting process.
To confirm: Eligible recipients/residents are only unaccompanied individuals who are chronically homeless — no families.

Any plans to release a NOFA for families experiencing homelessness or chronic homelessness?

The funding in this NOFA is dedicated to serving adult households without minor children (under the age of 18) in their care who earn at or below 30% of Area Median Income with a head of household who has a disabling condition and is experiencing or at imminent risk of long-term, literal homelessness. “”Adult household”” is inclusive of household arrangements not based in biological or intimate partner relationships, including but not limited to households that are multi-generational, same gender partners, unaccompanied adults, parents with adult children, or married couples.

At this time, there is not a plan to release a PSH NOFA to serve families with children. However, the JOHS Homeless Family System of Care is designing a new PSH program for families this Fiscal Year.

If we already have the services funded can we apply for just RLRA vouchers? If we felt like we could increase the caseload on existing PSH case managers, even if it was just by 2 or 3 per staff member, could we apply for the vouchers?

Yes! We highly encourage you to apply is this is the case.

Hypothetical: If we have a site that will be under renovation, and some of the units, but not all, will be able to take referrals by June, does that meet the requirement? Or do all units need to be ready to receive referrals by June?

All units do NOT need to be ready to receive referrals by June 30, 2023 in order to receive funding from this NOFA. In your narrative response to the NOFA, include the number of units that will be available at launch and a ramp up timeline towards full capacity. Projects that will not have any apartments available by June 2023 will not be considered.

Will the funds be paid on a reimbursement model?

Yes – County services contracts operate on a per-cost reimbursement model. See Appendix F of the NOFA for a sample contract. The Joint Office has worked with projects in the past that require startup costs before launch.

Was the 10/6/2022 PSH NOFA information session recorded?

No. The information session was not recorded, but the questions and answers are recoded here in the FAQ. Once you have reviewed the application materials and checked the FAQ, please do not hesitate to reach out to sends e-mail) with any questions you might have.

Does this NOFA only for Multnomah County? Could a project in Clackamas or Washington Counties apply?

This NOFA is limited to projects operating within Multnomah County. Washington and Clackamas Counties have their own processes for allocating Metro SHS funds. You can find information about Clackamas County’s Metro SHS program by clicking below.

You can find information about Washington County’s Metro SHS program by clicking below.

When I downloaded the application package and opened the Excel version of the budget document, I get a pop-up message that says “Microsoft has blocked macros from running because the source of this file is untrusted. Will this affect our ability to use this document to submit our budget?

The macros should not impact your ability to fill out the sheet, that said, the macro on the sheet is completely safe. If you want to enable it, you can unzip the file, open the Excel document, and you should see a banner drop down that allows you to turn the macros on.

Do the RLRA subsidies include deposit and application fee assistance for households or would those need to come from outside funds (ie: the up to $10,000 per household in services funding that can be requested)?

No, the RLRA subsidies only cover rent assistance. Deposit and application fee assistance would be provided through client assistance, which can be included in the services budget of up to $10K/household. We currently have a master lease partnership that has been very successful and we would like to increase the program using SHS funds.

Our proposal will include rent subsidies on a timeline that go from 100% at the beginning of the lease to 0% by the end of the year (this will exhaust the full $10,000 per placement and encourage self sustainability).

Of course there is a lot of risk that comes with master leasing and we want one of the criteria for placement to be that the people using the service are employed and will be able to afford partial and full rent payments, with the support of a retention specialist.

One of the questions that came up in our application planning meeting was whether or not requiring that someone be employed violates the Housing First Approach?

This would not qualify as a Permanent Supportive Housing project and sounds more like a Rapid Re-Housing model. PSH is intended to be ongoing (as long as the household continues to be eligible for and in need of support) and to serve highly vulnerable households who often need long-term rent assistance and intensive support services to remain stably housed. A model where rent subsidies are reduced to 0% after a year is not consistent with the PSH or RLRA model, and employment requirements would not align with the housing first, low-barrier model.

If you have further questions that are not answered here, please feel free to email sends e-mail).